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Tuesday, May 20, 2008
In Mourning.... @ 10:22 PM
First I would like everyone give a moment of respect to my ex modem.It was very hardworking and faithful to me.Now I would like to wish my modem to rest in peace...Amen. And also I would like to inform you that my computer was very depressed and heartbroken now it has confirmed that it has AIDS which I had no idea how but yeah... its dying.It is now spending its last moments with me before it is taken away...
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008
In Mourning.... @ 10:22 PM
First I would like everyone give a moment of respect to my ex modem.It was very hardworking and faithful to me.Now I would like to wish my modem to rest in peace...Amen. And also I would like to inform you that my computer was very depressed and heartbroken now it has confirmed that it has AIDS which I had no idea how but yeah... its dying.It is now spending its last moments with me before it is taken away...
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image: scienceishardcore
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