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Sunday, August 3, 2008
Words from the bottom of my broken heart.. @ 11:22 PM
i'm sure u all knew wat happened last friday... we got streamed, Although all of u get to stay, but there were some seperated...i cried, it was hard to accept the fact we will seperate... i console my self, its ok... most of my friends are with me... its fine...Until this morning...we were streamed once again.This time, i was devastated...everybody is going away from me... only Pao Eunice.Hazel,Arul,Yash.Naim and Shob is with me now...i can't believe it.Why? i asked myself.. how could this happened? I feel i'm stranded in a place of unknown... i just can't fit in... Although its only one and a half years, i will remember u guys forever...i will...because each of u has left a mark in my heart...Amanda: Smart, drama queen, hilariously funny. Charlene: Emo queen, innocent, naive,noisy, jacked princess. Kim:Pain-in-the-ass-irritating(but enjoyable) Chris: Suicidal case laughter, if laughing can make u rich, she's the next Bill Gates. Reen:the longest calssmate i have(ever since i transfered since std 4), Painful, entertaining, nuts. Li Ying: 38, gossipy(y do u think she's my BF?),noisy,allergic to physical contact. Lu Ting:Not fat,crazy, my news satelite,slow. Micheal:not fluent in any language, slow, Jacked Queen! Lilian: another pain-in-the-ass(think its b'cuz got same b'day),entertaining,"rasional", jacker. Flyn: maggot, evil, pure evil, devillishly other words..EVIL Renu: Litreature fan(all hail lit!), potential prime minister, noisy. Phoebe: sweetest of them all,blur,long eyelashes, straight, jacked queen. Lis: entertaining, loud,nice set of teeth,kenajacked duchess. Qian Peng: my Jordan supporter, shuffler. Ida: Camera girl,another kenajacked Duchess,ex KP. Azira: Crazy, Shuffler, noisy. Pao Pao: Perasaan case , microscopic writing,38,fake(insider's secret) Naim: Abnormal,loves singing(more like destroying) songs, miniature,Zewoo IQ. And the others...i will never forget the experience we share together..happy,sad,angry,confused and so many more.I love u guys so much ....u guys rock the Universe! I just want u guys to remember every time i pray, i pray for u, everytime i laugh, i laugh for u and may God bless all of you.... Muacks!
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Sunday, August 3, 2008
Words from the bottom of my broken heart.. @ 11:22 PM
i'm sure u all knew wat happened last friday... we got streamed, Although all of u get to stay, but there were some seperated...i cried, it was hard to accept the fact we will seperate... i console my self, its ok... most of my friends are with me... its fine...Until this morning...we were streamed once again.This time, i was devastated...everybody is going away from me... only Pao Eunice.Hazel,Arul,Yash.Naim and Shob is with me now...i can't believe it.Why? i asked myself.. how could this happened? I feel i'm stranded in a place of unknown... i just can't fit in... Although its only one and a half years, i will remember u guys forever...i will...because each of u has left a mark in my heart...Amanda: Smart, drama queen, hilariously funny. Charlene: Emo queen, innocent, naive,noisy, jacked princess. Kim:Pain-in-the-ass-irritating(but enjoyable) Chris: Suicidal case laughter, if laughing can make u rich, she's the next Bill Gates. Reen:the longest calssmate i have(ever since i transfered since std 4), Painful, entertaining, nuts. Li Ying: 38, gossipy(y do u think she's my BF?),noisy,allergic to physical contact. Lu Ting:Not fat,crazy, my news satelite,slow. Micheal:not fluent in any language, slow, Jacked Queen! Lilian: another pain-in-the-ass(think its b'cuz got same b'day),entertaining,"rasional", jacker. Flyn: maggot, evil, pure evil, devillishly other words..EVIL Renu: Litreature fan(all hail lit!), potential prime minister, noisy. Phoebe: sweetest of them all,blur,long eyelashes, straight, jacked queen. Lis: entertaining, loud,nice set of teeth,kenajacked duchess. Qian Peng: my Jordan supporter, shuffler. Ida: Camera girl,another kenajacked Duchess,ex KP. Azira: Crazy, Shuffler, noisy. Pao Pao: Perasaan case , microscopic writing,38,fake(insider's secret) Naim: Abnormal,loves singing(more like destroying) songs, miniature,Zewoo IQ. And the others...i will never forget the experience we share together..happy,sad,angry,confused and so many more.I love u guys so much ....u guys rock the Universe! I just want u guys to remember every time i pray, i pray for u, everytime i laugh, i laugh for u and may God bless all of you.... Muacks!
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