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Friday, September 12, 2008
Got tagged by Manda...again...15 weird things about myself @ 9:17 PM
- when i'm upset or angry...i must have dairy...eventhough i'm allergic to sad...
- in the afternoons,when i'm at home...[dad not home of course] i'll just wear my shirt with underwear...shh....
- i don't know if its weird...but i'm actually already planning how to bercurang after i'm married....
- when i like a show....i will buy the dvd of that show and watch it everyday
- i have to wash my hair at least once or twice a day or else i will feel very uncomfy {thats why i'm so tortured when i'm at camp....cuz i can't bath twice a no NS!}
- whenever i need to concentrate...i need to chew...on food!
- the part of my body i adore the most is my hair and my nails...
- my ideal occupation is to be a millionare housewife
- i hate facing the camera
- i have when i talk to someone...and after 2 seconds....i'll just forget what the hell i have just said...
- i hate guys with facial hair[ eyebrow n eye lashes not counted] cuz i think they're disgusting
- when i'm facing someone that goes all emo and lame[not u michelle]...i tend to react with violence
- when i hate someone ...i will go all cursing that fella and all , but i tend to forget wat i hate them for the next day..unless its like really pain-in-the-ass case
- i think sleeping is a joy of life
i love guys with long eyelashes[i noe its not weird...but i'm out of things to list
ok, i tag reen,lilian,lene,kim ah wong , renu,eunice,my u have to do it.....haha
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Friday, September 12, 2008
Got tagged by Manda...again...15 weird things about myself @ 9:17 PM
- when i'm upset or angry...i must have dairy...eventhough i'm allergic to sad...
- in the afternoons,when i'm at home...[dad not home of course] i'll just wear my shirt with underwear...shh....
- i don't know if its weird...but i'm actually already planning how to bercurang after i'm married....
- when i like a show....i will buy the dvd of that show and watch it everyday
- i have to wash my hair at least once or twice a day or else i will feel very uncomfy {thats why i'm so tortured when i'm at camp....cuz i can't bath twice a no NS!}
- whenever i need to concentrate...i need to chew...on food!
- the part of my body i adore the most is my hair and my nails...
- my ideal occupation is to be a millionare housewife
- i hate facing the camera
- i have when i talk to someone...and after 2 seconds....i'll just forget what the hell i have just said...
- i hate guys with facial hair[ eyebrow n eye lashes not counted] cuz i think they're disgusting
- when i'm facing someone that goes all emo and lame[not u michelle]...i tend to react with violence
- when i hate someone ...i will go all cursing that fella and all , but i tend to forget wat i hate them for the next day..unless its like really pain-in-the-ass case
- i think sleeping is a joy of life
i love guys with long eyelashes[i noe its not weird...but i'm out of things to list
ok, i tag reen,lilian,lene,kim ah wong , renu,eunice,my u have to do it.....haha
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